strength slid like sand through iron fingers
hope eroded like, copper gone rusty on a third floor pipe
vision blurry, eyes drown in rivers of tears
where's my fury
slow down brothers. why y'all in such a hurry
at the end of the day
all i got to show for sacrifice is losing my place
and at the end of the road all i got to show for patience
is this blade of grass
i thought would break through the ground as a world ash
curse the passing of time
thoughts lost in graviton fluctuations, unholy manipulations,
in hard situations, yet midnight shines
and moon reflects the light of sun divine
the holy mirror. pray to Jah louder and maybe then He'll hear you
fate is bullshit, and faith and reason make you feel better
...but don't change the seasons
Carpe Diem
take the fruits from the tree of life and squeeze them
suck the juice 'til you no longer need it
at the end of the day
all i got to show for sacrifice
is losing my place
all i got to show for patience
is this blade of grass
i thought would touch the sky
like a world ash
thought i no longer see the light in dreams
God still lookin' down on me
8/11/2006 12:45 PM CDT
If I see my work with someone else’s name on it I will hunt you down, I will find you, then with my sharpened parang I will gut you from belly to brains and play around in your entrails while you scream to God for the sweet mercy of death. Which is coming ...but not soon. ;p
Friday, August 11, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
I'm at this place again where there’s nowhere left to climb
At the height of the ladder with no mountain top in sight
Shoulders weak from the strain, carrying the weight
Of the hopes that I brought
to this impossible place
The weight of younger years, considered a golden child
Who always heard “you must do…”
yet was never showed how
Lord forgive my blindness, I lost my way
Not seeing the path laid or walking rightly
For not knowing the right way, lost in the haze
Of the smoldering remains of what I'm s'possed to be
This life in dark territory blew me away
The anger, the sorrow; the weapons of shame
In spite the rage hear the hopeful song
Singing sweet melodies about your
Promise to make me like Joseph was
Slave becomes Prince where the desert wind blows
One talent you gave me; imagination
Invested into seven gifts, let me name some
the draw, the write, the song, the play
the fight like Bruce lee when Chuck came his way
see spirits in the shadows, insanity
patience is a gift, though worn and thin,
been waiting on a breakthrough since half past ten
thirty damned years to let the sun shine in
and a river of bloody tears on dark brown skin
a bitter black cherry soul, soaked in gin
Soft light in my eyes, 'spite the Strychnine grin.
I'm at this place again where there’s nowhere left to climb
I’m at the top of the ladder with no mountain top in sight
Iron fingers crush granite though weak from the strain
Of carrying the work at this impossible pace
This work, work hard -worked perpetually
Obsolete machine, rust colored and gray
The weight of younger years when considered the golden child
Still somewhat golden, but tarnished now
Can't reflect the sun when I'm all dulled down
Who always heard “ great!"
I'm finding out how!
To achieve what I need,
To draw and sing
To exceed
The bonds that imprison me are harsh in deed
And Hope, she abandoned me
She never went away
Well, she did
She's into better things...
I'm wide awake now, but too tired to...
5/26/2006 @ 12:34 PM
At the height of the ladder with no mountain top in sight
Shoulders weak from the strain, carrying the weight
Of the hopes that I brought
to this impossible place
The weight of younger years, considered a golden child
Who always heard “you must do…”
yet was never showed how
Lord forgive my blindness, I lost my way
Not seeing the path laid or walking rightly
For not knowing the right way, lost in the haze
Of the smoldering remains of what I'm s'possed to be

The anger, the sorrow; the weapons of shame
In spite the rage hear the hopeful song
Singing sweet melodies about your
Promise to make me like Joseph was
Slave becomes Prince where the desert wind blows
One talent you gave me; imagination
Invested into seven gifts, let me name some
the draw, the write, the song, the play
the fight like Bruce lee when Chuck came his way
see spirits in the shadows, insanity
patience is a gift, though worn and thin,
been waiting on a breakthrough since half past ten
thirty damned years to let the sun shine in
and a river of bloody tears on dark brown skin
a bitter black cherry soul, soaked in gin
Soft light in my eyes, 'spite the Strychnine grin.
I'm at this place again where there’s nowhere left to climb
I’m at the top of the ladder with no mountain top in sight
Iron fingers crush granite though weak from the strain
Of carrying the work at this impossible pace
This work, work hard -worked perpetually
Obsolete machine, rust colored and gray
The weight of younger years when considered the golden child
Still somewhat golden, but tarnished now
Can't reflect the sun when I'm all dulled down
Who always heard “ great!"
I'm finding out how!
To achieve what I need,
To draw and sing
To exceed
The bonds that imprison me are harsh in deed
And Hope, she abandoned me
She never went away
Well, she did
She's into better things...
I'm wide awake now, but too tired to...
5/26/2006 @ 12:34 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Character Quiz; first and last! GRRRrrrr!!
Mood: Incomprehensible Rage
Listening to: Pytor Ilyich Tchaikovsky ...with a break beat under it.
Reading: the Truth
Watching: No freakin time to watch anything but me taking over the world!
Reading: the Truth
Watching: No freakin time to watch anything but me taking over the world!
What's your characters name?
Isis Cruz (Formerly Maite Ximinez)
How old is he/she?
Isis Cruz (Formerly Maite Ximinez)
How old is he/she?
Nineteen. Twenty on November 2nd. ...2117.
Is your O.C. a boy or girl?
What's his/her race?
Mostly human.
is a petite, hard bodied martial artist, modestly hidden in baggy cargo
pants and thread bare tees. She carries a Parang -"Killjoy"- and wears
Mary Janes or brogans instead of pumps.
Is your character considered normal in his/her own world? A 4'11'' copper-skinned fitness goddess with hair like wild fire, the number "7" laser stenciled on the left side of her face and an 18 inch curved knife on her hip instead of a Coach bag is normal, right?
What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?
Canted, almond shaped, orange eyes (...and fire hair).
Would you consider your OC as attractive?
Brutal elegance. Yes I would.
Brutal elegance. Yes I would.
The Epitome!! ...classic sociopath
Does your character ever get depressed?
The Epitome!! ...classic sociopath
Does your character ever get depressed?
Too busy killing folks to be depressed.
Leader or Follower?
Lone Wolf.
Lone Wolf.
Her mother's murder orphaned her. She was adopted from a state facility by the evil pedophile Philip Desmond Naquin and his soulless, down trodden wife Nadeen.
Ice was the 7th of 22 children, wards of the state who were herded into the small house and numbered like cattle.
At age twelve she killed Naquin and escaped the deranged home, only to fall prey to the streets.
Soron Khan found her, nursed her back to health, and taught her the martial art of her father "Movimiento de Ocho Rios" (the Eight Rivers Movements), and the Qi Gong.
Ice was the 7th of 22 children, wards of the state who were herded into the small house and numbered like cattle.
At age twelve she killed Naquin and escaped the deranged home, only to fall prey to the streets.
Soron Khan found her, nursed her back to health, and taught her the martial art of her father "Movimiento de Ocho Rios" (the Eight Rivers Movements), and the Qi Gong.
Did your OC have a family of any sort?
Is your character out on his/her own?
Is your character out on his/her own?
She lives in a shotgun house on Columbus Street, with her Parrain.
Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?
Her life is cookies and cake and sweet potato pie...
Her life is cookies and cake and sweet potato pie...
What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?
Short of her training with Khan that moment hasn't happened yet.
Mood: bored with this insufferable mind pump of a quiz
Listening to: Adolf Hitler with Biggie Smalls voice coming out
"...where Brooklyn at! where Brooklyn at!" So strange.
Reading: the Bible, 'cuz I still need KRST
Watching: woman's giant behind as she walks across my living room (my imagination is so convincingly real). "...where Brooklyn at! where Brooklyn at!" So strange.
Reading: the Bible, 'cuz I still need KRST
Married to Killjoy.
Married to Killjoy.
No thanks, trying to quit.
Does your character like flirting?
With Death; yes. With you; No.
Her thing begins with anger, followed by a stabbing.
With Death; yes. With you; No.
Her thing begins with anger, followed by a stabbing.
What animal would you associate your OC with?
Musical Instrument?
She'd so be a drummer
She'd so be a drummer
Showing the love?
In your dreams.
In your dreams.
Do you draw your character?
Me. ...and me alone!
Me. ...and me alone!
Do you write about him/her?
Do you use him/her in any rpgs?
No. Got no time for games!
Her wit is treacherous. She likes to cut you with words before Killjoy chimes in. Verbal assaults from a samurai sharp tongue accompany many exchanges.
No. Got no time for games!
What other ways have you appreciated your OC?
The much anticipated (...but poorly executed) re-do of the amateurishly thrown together first issue.
The much anticipated (...but poorly executed) re-do of the amateurishly thrown together first issue.
Is your character wanted for anything?
Her looks.
Wait... What?! Oh, you mean...
Her looks.
Wait... What?! Oh, you mean...
Technically; no. But she does fit the description of...
What are three weaknesses in him/her?
1). Isis cannot see past her anger, and 2). misses the artistry in the fighting style that her father created.
Then there is 3). the fear that she will not be strong enough to avenge her parents deaths, and if she does avenge them, what next?
1). Isis cannot see past her anger, and 2). misses the artistry in the fighting style that her father created.
Then there is 3). the fear that she will not be strong enough to avenge her parents deaths, and if she does avenge them, what next?
She is determined to become the Earths greatest fighter. Khan's teachings have revealed a new dimension of hidden abilities.
She is determined to become the Earths greatest fighter. Khan's teachings have revealed a new dimension of hidden abilities.
Does your OC drink or smoke (ect.)?
Besides being a celebrated murderer, "Isis gots no vices".
What's one quirk about him/her? Besides being a celebrated murderer, "Isis gots no vices".
Her wit is treacherous. She likes to cut you with words before Killjoy chimes in. Verbal assaults from a samurai sharp tongue accompany many exchanges.
Does your character have any phobias?
She is 1). afraid of being weak, 2). afraid of failing, and afraid of... Read the mini-series (when I do it) and find out, you nosy mother f...
What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage?
Steal her jambalaya. Bump into her in the mall. Wait, no. Don't make her angry, you'll live longer.
She is 1). afraid of being weak, 2). afraid of failing, and afraid of... Read the mini-series (when I do it) and find out, you nosy mother f...
What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage?
Steal her jambalaya. Bump into her in the mall. Wait, no. Don't make her angry, you'll live longer.
Does your OC like chickens?
Southern fried (if there were any left), yes.
…if you mean people with no moral fortitude, no. Neither do I.
Southern fried (if there were any left), yes.
…if you mean people with no moral fortitude, no. Neither do I.
The Final Question:
What would you consider your relationship with your character to be like?
I'd balance her. I could teach her to manage her rage -direct it into something useful, like a mugging. Show her that there is more to life than...
Hell with that, I'd be too scared to talk to Isis Cruz
I'd balance her. I could teach her to manage her rage -direct it into something useful, like a mugging. Show her that there is more to life than...
Hell with that, I'd be too scared to talk to Isis Cruz
Mood: Anger. Still not drawing.
Listening to: My heart thunder in my chest like the funky drummer.
Listening to: My heart thunder in my chest like the funky drummer.
Reading: the Bible, 'cuz yes, I still need...
Watching: the world become the stinkiest poop right before my eyes
4/16/06 12:02 AM
"Death Angel Isis Cruz" @2001 by John-Reuben A. Milton dba 17Dreams / all rights reserved
"Death Angel Isis Cruz" @2001 by John-Reuben A. Milton dba 17Dreams / all rights reserved
Sunday, January 29, 2006
the Umbra
Dark soldiers tried to steal my heart last night
Two at the window to blot out the light
Hissed the words evilly to instill fright
I lay back and listen without puttin up a fight
They say “you gonna die of cancer”
I say that’s good
cancer eats doubt and fear until it’s goneTwo at the window to blot out the light
Hissed the words evilly to instill fright
I lay back and listen without puttin up a fight
They say “you gonna die of cancer”
I say that’s good
They say “you're gonna' lose that strong right arm”
Then I’ll beat you down lefty till you breathe no more
They laugh “you move like a cripple:
Yeah, that’s true, I’ll limp from this fight
Your sick plan in ruins when I douse your light
“you aint gon’ be nothing” they finally said
Why you poozers tryin' to mess with my head
Lil' Lame duck attack while I'm still in my bed
I awaken with half a smile
it's two thirty four
Cloaked by the darkness besides the glow
The anger in my gut like embers burn
Thinkin', it must be my turn
The dark soldiers disappeared like mist in rain
I fell back to sleep again
go figure
it's two thirty four
Cloaked by the darkness besides the glow
The anger in my gut like embers burn
Thinkin', it must be my turn
The dark soldiers disappeared like mist in rain
I fell back to sleep again
go figure
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